Discovering the Beauty and Culture of South Korea: A Personal Journey and Reflection on 20 Years of Travel and Adventure

Discovering the Beauty and Culture of South Korea: A Personal Journey and Reflection on 20 Years of Travel and Adventure

September 2003. Fresh off the plane at Gimhae Airport and waiting outside arrivals for the guy who would be employing me for the next 12 months.

He was late and I had time to reflect on my choice to move to Masan. Going nowhere in England, I’d decided a 12-month contract as an English teacher was as good a way as any to pay off a chunk of the student debt I’d accumulated.

I’d travelled before, but I knew next to nothing about South Korea other than what I’d seen on television at the World Cup the previous year.

I'd never tried Korean food before, I had no idea about the thriving film industry or K-pop. 

I wasn’t aware that in parts of the country back then, people were still getting used to foreigners moving to their cities (I still remember the looks I got the first time I went to the public bath house).

Sitting on that bench trying not to think about how I was going to teach a classroom of kids the next day, I was a mix of apprehension and enthusiasm. The apprehension just edged it.

But the first 12 months turned into two-and-a-half years, which has evolved into numerous trips back for work and travel. Making the decision to go to Korea has been one of the best I ever made.

I’ve met lifelong friends there. One of my favourite bars in the world is in Hongdae. In 2017 I was fortunate enough to spend six weeks exploring Jeju-do on my bike.

I can’t wait for my next trip.

This is my attempt to produce clothing that reflects some of the experiences I’ve had in South Korea over the last 20 years or so.

I hope you like it.

Soju Man


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